Module Solvers
The Solvers
module implements the algorithms which evaluate the semi-discrete residual corresponding to the discretization of an AbstractConservationLaw
in space using the operators and geometric information contained within the SpatialDiscretization
to create an ODEProblem
, which can be solved using your choice of time-marching method from OrdinaryDiffEq.jl.
StableSpectralElements.jl is based on a semi-discrete or "method-of-lines" approach to the numerical solution of partial differential equations, in which the spatial discretization is performed first in order to obtain a system of ordinary differential equations of the form $\underline{u}'(t) = \underline{R}(\underline{u}(t),t)$, where $\underline{u}(t) \in \mathbb{R}^{N_p \cdot N_c \cdot N_e}$ is the global solution array containing the $N_p$ coefficients for each of the $N_c$ solution variables and each of the $N_e$ mesh elements. These systems can be solved using standard time-marching methods from OrdinaryDiffEq.jl by computing the semi-discrete residual $\underline{R}(\underline{u}(t),t)$ using the in-place function semi_discrete_residual!
— Functionsemi_discrete_residual!(dudt::AbstractArray{Float64,3},
u::AbstractArray{Float64, 3},
In-place function for evaluating the right-hand side of $\underline{u}'(t) = \underline{R}(\underline{u}(t),t)$ within the ordinary differential equation solver.
: Time derivative (first index is nodal or modal coefficient, second index is solution variable, third index is mesh element)u::AbstractArray{Float64,3}
: Current global solution state (first index is nodal or modal coefficient, second index is solution variable, third index is mesh element)solver::Solver
: Parameter of typeSolver
containing all the information defining the spatial discretization, the algorithms used to evaluate the semi-discrete residual, and preallocated arrays used for temporary storage; type parameters of Solver are used to dispatch the resulting algorithm based on the equation type, operator type, mass matrix solver (i.e.CholeskySolver
, orWeightAdjustedSolver
), residual form (i.e.StandardForm
), and parallelism (i.e.Serial
: Time variable
— TypeFluxDifferencingForm(; mapping_form = SkewSymmetricMapping(),
inviscid_numerical_flux = LaxFriedrichsNumericalFlux(),
viscous_numerical_flux = BR1(),
two_point_flux = EntropyConservativeFlux())
Type used for dispatch indicating the use of a flux-differencing (e.g. entropy-stable or kinetic-energy-preserving) discontinuous spectral-element formulation based on two-point flux functions.
— TypeFluxDifferencingOperators{S_type, C_type, V_type, Vt_type, R_type, Rt_type} <:
Set of operators and nodal values of geometric factors used to evaluate the semi-discrete residual for the FluxDifferencingForm
in reference space. Note that no physical-operator formulation is implemented for the flux-differencing form.
— TypePhysicalOperators{d, VOL_type, FAC_type, V_type, R_type} <:
Set of operators used to evaluate the semi-discrete residual for the StandardForm
by precomputing matrices for each physical element.
— TypeReferenceOperators{D_type, Dt_type, V_type, Vt_type, R_type, Rt_type} <:
Set of operators and nodal values of geometric factors used to evaluate the semi-discrete residual for the StandardForm
in reference space.
— TypeSolver{ConservationLaw <: AbstractConservationLaw,
Operators <: AbstractDiscretizationOperators,
MassSolver <: AbstractMassMatrixSolver,
ResidualForm <: AbstractMassMatrixSolver,
Parallelism <: AbstractParallelism,
PreAllocatedArrays <: AbstractPreAllocatedArrays}
Composite type defining the spatial discretization which is passed into semi_discrete_residual!
function to compute the time derivative within an ordinary differential equation solver from OrdinaryDiffEq.jl. The algorithm used to compute the semi-discrete residual is dispatched based on the type parameters.
— TypeStandardForm(; mapping_form = SkewSymmetricMapping(),
inviscid_numerical_flux = LaxFriedrichsNumericalFlux(),
viscous_numerical_flux = BR1())
Type used for dispatch indicating the use of a standard (i.e. not flux-differencing) weak-form discontinuous spectral-element method. The mapping_form
argument can be set to StandardMapping()
to recover a standard discontinuous Galerkin formulation.